Referrals, advice, and feedback - just a few of the experiences and some of the value you can receive at PWN. Develop a professional network that you can go to for insight with a difficult client, for a critique of an important proposal, or for a good ear when you need to talk it out.
We mix it up with Zoom meetings & in-person meetings plus afternoon Happy Hours and urban fun such as walks, miniature golf and more.
Join Our Conversations @
First Thursdays -Step away from your desk and join us for an easy lunch and networking. We’ve moved our First Friday lunches to Thursday and the first Thursday when possible.
Register Here for our March 6 Lunch + Networking
Third Thursdays - Join Us Year ‘round for casual and inclusive networking.
After Work Networking includes Happy Hours, Volunteering, Walking - Connection is the focus.
At least six times per year, we bring in the brightest, energizing, and informative speakers. Women in the workforce who share their expertise and wisdom in digestible bits of business insight - applicable to our individual jobs/businesses/lives. From public speakers, business owners, and even our own members, our speakers are worth your time and our time too.
We’ve covered such topics as:
Business strategy insights
Inspiration & motivation for business owners
Local & state business law annual update
How to close a business
Using social media to grow and sustain your business
We have members of two months, twenty years, and everywhere in between.
Our connections are sustainable business connections and friendships. Many of our members belong to multiple networking groups and return here for the depth of connection and conversation.
You can have that ‘fast’ hit for leads anywhere but at PWN, leads come from connections that keep paying long after that first meeting.
— PWN Member
Networking. Learning. Friendship.
Welcome to PWN
Celebrate and connect with women in business at the Professional Women’s Network of San Francisco.
There’s no better networking group
in which to make new friends
and enrich your network.
Questions? Get answers.